How is my life ? It has to be sunny! Time for going. Arrived in Bailu PARK. That is my partner — Siwen and my bike. the church Spring Enjoy our times. the schedule today 6:30 am get up 7:00 am time for go by bike 8:00 am arriving bailu park , enjoy the sunnyRead More
那老外竟然在读老子的《化胡经》,我还研究了不短时间才知道他打过来的”hua hu jing”是什么东西。 还问是什么意思,这真难回答, 化胡经,你让我怎么解释······ 中文多么博大精深,这三个字可是需要一句话来解释。百度真是个好用的东西,没有百度我肯定也不知道hua hu jing 这东西了。Read More
Look at my website. How happy am I , it works again but it is pity that all the pictures posted is lost. Keep showing . ^^ , the lany lee from china . Good job .Read More
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